In conclusion, the study recommends the intelligent facades to become an inherent constituent of green buildings for future development of low energy buildings. The findings demonstrate that energy modeling and simulations should be performed during the early stage of design process of buildings to ensure the practicality and effectiveness of any green implementations in buildings. Intelligent facades need to be responsive and conscious to the local climate, outdoor environment, and indoor spaces with view to parameters such as energy performance, thermal comfort, indoor air quality, visual comfort, etc. This research focused on presenting the most clearly and comprehensive perception of the intelligent façades, in a manner that serves the ability of the designer to apply them in his designs or while developing an existing façades in buildings. These façades change continuously each day, each hour shows a new “face” - the fa-çade is turning into a dynamic sculpture.In order to meet the functional performance and requirements on the environmental, ecological, social and aesthetical aspects, it became a necessity to develop another options of building that would be more efficient in the provision of those requirements, so a new generation have appeared called "Smart Buildings" or "Intelligent Buildings" with their sophisticated parts and various details, one of those essential parts is the "Intelligent Façade" for it's being the essential and primary defensive line for the building against the environmental and climatic variations.

Thus it is possible to realise these new transparent façades and yet still maintain a cosy at-mosphere in the rooms. Of course they can also be controlled by optimising programs if users are not present in the rooms behind.

At the same time, individual requirements escalate and need to be reconciled with the desire for comfort.įor this reason we have been working for some time with dynamic façades that can be adapted individually to changing conditions and needs. Today it is possible that the complete exterior façade is transparent, and this very transparency indicates a modern character. With the introduction of window strips, these hierarchies were abandoned. how many for a director or high-ranking counsellor and how many for a mere civil servant. Not long ago office buildings had a clear structure and the number of axes was prede-termined - e.g.

The structure of the façade also determined the ground plan the greater the number of window axes in a room, the more important the function of the user. They often featured surface relief with architectural elements from the relevant period or style.

In earlier times, façades were characterised by window arrangements and axes.